
September 4th 2024

“Was It Something I Did?": 5 Reasons Hiring Managers Ghost You.

We’ve all experienced it before. Getting ghosted. from close friends to significant others. Even from that uncle who told you to send him your resume after graduation. It’s a really painful experience and can leave you confused and asking questions. The most common question you would ask yourself is, “Was it something I did?’. From there, you’d find yourself in a whirlwind of self-doubt, in need of an assurance you may never attain. And you know what else is painful? Getting ghosted by hiring managers. Especially one of a company you’ve wanted to work at so badly.

And the thing is, they tend to do this a lot. Indeed reports that about 80% of hiring managers have admitted to ghosting candidates during the hiring process without providing a reason. So if it’s any consolation, you can now confirm that it’s not your fault and completely a ‘them’ problem.

Or is it?

Over here at Proten International, we’re involved in the hiring processes for a lot of companies across various industries. We’ve had our fair share of CEOs and managers rejecting an applicant and moving on to the next one. From your end, it might seem like you’ve just been ghosted for no reason. But from our end, we’ve picked out five (5) reasons hiring managers ignore you, even after the interview. And yes, you can be ghosted even after the interview.

1. Your Application Didn’t Make the Cut.

This is the easiest reason you don’t hear from the company you applied to. Whether it’s your cover letter not being persuasive enough or your resume not going through.

To begin, a poorly written cover letter can contribute to employers ghosting you by not effectively conveying your qualifications or interest in the position. This will make hiring managers disregard your application. Because to them, you’re not serious. Additionally, if the letter contains errors or is overly generic, it may fail to stand out enough to prompt them to move forward with you. 

As for resumes, you could be ghosted for various reasons that could relate to yours. Common issues include a resume that does not highlight relevant skills or experiences, overly complicated formats, or grammatical errors that may lead employers to question attention to detail. Additionally, if your qualifications don’t match the job requirements or if there are inconsistencies in your employment history, it can contribute to a lack of response from employers. Or they might not even get to see your resume in the first place because it didn’t cut with their applicant tracking system.

2. The Interview Presentation Was Bad.

Interviews are a chance to show your personality, skills, and enthusiasm. If your interview didn’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped, it could be the reason for the ghosting. Maybe you stumbled over your answers, couldn’t articulate your experiences clearly, or didn’t seem genuinely interested in the role. Remember, first impressions matter, and a poor interview performance can leave a lasting negative impression.

3. Your Social Media Exposed You.

In today’s digital age, your online presence can have a significant impact on your job search. If your social media profiles are filled with inappropriate content, offensive posts, or negative comments about your previous employers, it could be a red flag for hiring managers. They want to hire someone who aligns with their company culture and values, and your social media can give them a glimpse into your personality and character.

For example, if you’re applying for a customer service role and your social media is filled with complaints about bad customer service, it’s likely to raise red flags. Similarly, if you’re applying for a tech role and your social media is full of posts about conspiracy theories or misinformation, it could be a sign that you’re not a reliable or rational thinker.

4. They Got a Review from a Former Employer (and It Wasn’t Good).

Sometimes, a hiring manager might reach out to your previous employers for references. If those references aren’t positive, it could be a deal-breaker. Negative feedback from former employers can raise red flags about your work ethic, reliability, or ability to get along with others.

For instance, if a former employer mentions that you were frequently late or missed deadlines, it could be a sign that you’re not reliable. Or, if they say that you were difficult to work with or had a bad attitude, it could indicate that you’re not a team player.

5. Your Attitude Is Terrible.

Your attitude can go a long way in the job search process. If you come across as entitled, arrogant, or difficult to work with, hiring managers are less likely to want to hire you. They’re looking for someone who is a positive addition to their team and who will contribute to a positive work environment.

For example, if you’re constantly complaining about your previous job or company, it could make you seem negative and ungrateful. Or, if you’re unwilling to compromise or be flexible, it might suggest that you’re difficult to work with. Soft skills matter, and the search for them is on the rise.

Does This Mean There Aren’t Other Reasons?

Maybe you’ve looked at the reasons above, and you’re sure you aren’t guilty of any of them. Your resume and cover letter are apt, your interview was on point, and you’ve been a total angel on social media and at your former job. Yet you got ghosted. Does this mean there aren’t other reasons?

The answer to this is no. 

Aside from the five mentioned above, there are a lot of other reasons you could be ghosted by hiring managers. And it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Perhaps the company’s needs changed unexpectedly, or by a succession planning process you didn’t know about, an internal candidate was chosen. Maybe the hiring manager suddenly left, which is something that should raise an alarm for you because a sudden resignation might indicate a terrible work environment. Or maybe, and unfortunately, an administrative error occurred, and your application was lost.

These things are unpredictable and beyond your control. 

Final Thoughts…

Being ghosted can be disheartening. It happens even to the best of us. But it’s important to learn from the experience and move forward. By understanding the potential reasons behind ghosting and taking steps to address them, you can improve your job search strategy and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Speaking of increasing your chances, one way you can do so is by registering for our career portal. We have a ton of opportunities waiting just for you. And it all begins by clicking this link. And if you’re worried that your resume won’t cut, you don’t have to worry. We’ve provided a guide on building a resume that will pass the applicant tracking system. Read about it here.